by Mistress | Feb 9, 2019 | femdom, Willow
← Previous Next → There’s this new craze that a lot of people are talking about. The KonMari method of organizing, where you throw anything away that does not speak to your soul, replenish your energy, or bring you joy. I thought I would apply this to...
by Mistress | Jan 7, 2019 | Female Domination, Ms Cassandra
← Previous Next → Girlie bois have the hardest time finding a Mistress in real time to fulfill their needs for a relationship. Through my experience I want to share just why. What we look for is reliability, decisiveness, attractiveness, and impeccability....
by Mistress | Dec 18, 2018 | femdom, Rachel
You’ve ended up here for a reason: probably you heard the word “domination” or the phrase “female domination”, it aroused you, and you went to Googling. I’m glad you did so, and I hope that seeing just how deep the rabbit hole goes...
by Mistress | Oct 1, 2018 | Cindy, femdom
← Previous Next → Love Versus Desire Is it just me or have you also noticed that there are so many men out there who rarely marry strong dominant Goddesses whom they desire? Instead, they seem to prefer and gravitate to more conventional women. Many of these...
by Mistress | Aug 16, 2018 | Mistress, submission
← Previous Next → Let me ask you this: How many women have seen your asshole? My guess is you haven’t been showing it off all over town. After all, you may have sent a dick pic, but you’ve never sent a butthole pic! Have you given your ass over...