A Summertime Show & Tell JUST for CBT Cravers
Temperatures and hemlines are rising. Kinksters all over the northern hemisphere are getting an eye full as itty bitty string bikinis and micro-minis come out of the closet to tease and tantalize on beaches, sidewalks and shopping centers. However, what if your voyeuristic streak extends to more than just seasonal eye candy? What if you want to have a badge of honor for just how kinky you’ve been?
Arts and Crafts for Your Cock
If you chose to accept this assignment, you will need lemon juice, a small container, paintbrush, a sunny day, and up to two hours of complete privacy or a clothing optional facility. Pour the lemon juice into the small container, dip the paintbrush in and then draw designs up and down your dick. You can even paint words. Depending on your complexion, skin sensitivity, and the strength of the sunlight and lemon juice, you may start to see welts appearing in as little as thirty minutes. I would not recommend more than two hours of exposure. The actual process is relatively painless–it’s the aftermath that burns.
Highlighting Your Hard-on
Lemon juice has been used for ages to highlight hair in summer, but care must be taken not to let it have contact with skin unless you want a reddened face along with a brightened hairline because it does react with sunlight. We are going to capitalize on that when it comes to painting designs on your dick. Make sure that you have applied sunscreen to the remainder of your body and if at any time the sunlight or the welts are too intense, go inside, rinse off with lukewarm water and avoid further sun exposure to your delicate bits for at least a week.
The welts from your CBT arts and crafts will decorate your dick for as long as a typical sunburn. They will sting, ache, and cause increased sensitivity that will ramp up with exposure to hot water, touch, or friction from something as simple as sitting down or walking (or wanking). Partnered sex is going to be delightful agony. If you have a partner, it would be best to discuss this before attempting the assignment to avoid awkward explanations when they see your sunshine souvenir (or just avoid this particular CBT activity altogether).
For some additional Summertime CBT fun…
Take a clean grill brush and scour your cock and balls, then beat them with a pair of barbecue tongs 😉 Have fun!
Visit Ms. Lilly ‘s Blog: https://eroticphonemistress.com/ /
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Wow, Ms Lilly! This is the MOST creative CBT exercise I have ever heard of! I will have to try this with a sub, because I am dying to see the spectacular results! As well as hear about the searing pain that follows.