Mistress, will you please tie me up. I do not want to get away from you. I want to experience feeling truly helpless. I have always fantasized about being restrained. Unable to get away. Please put my butt plug in me and turn my cock ring up so I am sexually teased and tortured. Mistress, please walk away and leave me like this. Please, I am begging you to make me yours. I need to experience true helpless tease and denial while in bondage by you my Goddess.
How can I possibly really inflict true bondage on you during a phone session. So here is my plan. You will purchase one Self Bondage Time Locking Device, a set of Leather Locking Cuffs, a Vibrating Cock Ring, and a Butt Plug. The Self Bondage Time Locking Device is something you can use for self bondage and can set it to keep you restrained for up to 2 hours. I will go into detail later on how to use each of these items.
The vibrating cock ring will be worn by you in order to ensure you maintain an erection. Your cock will remain hard while you are restrained. That is an order Bitch! There are many varieties to choose from but the one I found to be one of the hottest looking ones I could find was the Ball Buster Cock Ring.
The next item on the list is a set of Leather Locking Cuffs. You will restrain yourself to your bed with the self bondage time locking device and will need the leather restraints in order to do this of course. Here is a generic pair of Leather Locking Cuffs I found on Extreme Restraints that will do the trick.
Most of my slaves already own a butt plug but if you don’t have one yet then you are required to purchase one. You will endure anal training for this disciplinary assignment. You can view a selection of Butt Plugs at Extreme Restraints with the Anal Training Kit. I like the fact that it comes with 3 different sizes of butt plugs. Remember Bitch, I am well known as a Strap On Mistress. Strap on training starts some where.
Last but not least is the Self Bondage Time Lock. The device is made so that you freeze water in the locking device and will last for about 2 hours. A very convenient toy for you subbies who want to experience self bondage.
This is what the self locking device looks like and how I wish for you to restrain yourself to your bed.
It is amazing how creative I can be when it comes to thinking of new ways to break you. A slave of mine did this assignment for me a few weeks ago. He called me right after the devices let him go. I then made him stroke his cock under very strict guided masturbation.
Call Mistress Sarah for Femdom Phone Sex Training 1-800-356-6169